To contact Wideroe airlines in Aberdeen, UK you can use contact details mentioned here. Their customer service center is based in Norway so before calling we suggest to check call charges with the service providers.

Wideroe Aberdeen Contact Number
Contact Wideroe in Aberdeen, UK on details below.
Aberdeen Telephone Number: +44 122 479 5895
UK Contact Number: +44 203 371 8545
Office Address: Aberdeen Airport
Office Timings: Weekdays 07:30 – 18:00 | Saturday 09:00 – 12:30 | Sunday 09:30 – 18:00
This is their partner SAS airlines number, you can book Wideroe flights with SAS airline by dialing this number and also visit SAS airlines office at Aberdeen airport if you’ve any inquiry about Wideroe airline in the UK.
Wideroe is the largest airline, which connects Nordic countries. Based in Bodo it is currently serving 47 regional Nordic destinations, which is highest in the region. It is also considered to be the best low-cost Norwegian airline. So it is best to use Wideroe airlines if you’re traveling to or in between the Nordic countries as they offer best flight services and affordable flights.